Safe Ways to Feed Your Baby Wheat

The EAT study recently published that wheat allergies and celiac disease (which are different) could largely be avoided with regular feedings of wheat from when babies start solids. The EAT study is the largest clinical study to date looking at the effects of early allergen introduction on the rates of food allergies in normal children.

Wheat is thankfully incredibly easy to feed babies, and is already a common first food. It’s the main ingredient in baby cereal!

When to Begin Feeding Wheat

Wheat flour cereals are safe for babies as young as 4 months old. They are sometimes called a Stage 1 food. Wheat or baby cereals should not be added to baby bottles. Instead, once a baby is old enough to sit with assistance and hold their neck steady, breastmilk or formula can be added to baby cereal to make it into a thin soup and spoon fed. 

Baby Cereals

Not all baby cereals are made of wheat. Oats (in oatmeal), rice, and quinoa are also all great baby cereals but they will not train your baby’s body to tolerate wheat. 

Gerber makes a wheat baby cereal that can be a good choice for your baby. Pastas, crackers, or bread can also be great foods if they are prepared safely (pureed for little ones and chopped small for older babies).

Otherwise you can heat 3 TBSP of organic wheat flour with water, breastmilk, or formula. Cook in a pan with a finely chopped apple or banana. This recipe will make a traditional wheat porridge. 

Lastly, a tsp of organic wheat flour can be cooked to any puree or any food your baby loves! (Note: raw wheat flour hasn't been treated to kill germs that cause food poisoning, such as E. coli. All wheat flour should be cooked.)